This article was written to support an earlier model. Please review the Gen-3 Alpha documentation to find the most up-to-date information.
Here's a quick guide on what advanced settings can do when using Gen-1, using the below clip and style reference image.
Style: structural consistency
Higher values make the output more structurally different from the input video. Recommended: 0 to 5
Style: weight
Higher values lead to more emphasis on matching the style rather than the input video. Recommended: 7.5 to 12.5
Lock this randomly-generated number to better recreate the same style across multiple clips or to better experiment with other settings changes on the same clip while keeping the core output similar.
Frame consistency
Values below 1 give decreased consistency across time; values above 1 increase how closely frames relate to prior frames. Recommended: 1.0 to 1.25
Upscaling will upscale your result by a significant margin with a slightly increased runtime. We recommend using Upscale after you’ve found your perfect combination of settings.
Remove watermark
Removes the Gen-1 watermark from the lower right corner of the video.
Affect foreground only
Will only affect the foreground subject and leave the background untouched.
Affect background only
Will only affect the background and leave the foreground subject untouched.
Compare wipe
Wipes between the original and new video.