If you spend a lot of time generating, editing, or training models, your assets tab probably contains leagues worth of content. Downloading any singular asset is simple enough: just click the three dots next to the asset and select "Download" from the menu. Instantaneously, the asset will begin downloading to your computer.
But what about cases where you don't want to navigate through that menu again and again? If you've exported dozens of individual Gen-1/Gen-2 clips or wish to download all 100 free portraits from training a generator, you'll definitely want a most efficient way. This is where batch downloads come in!
To begin a batch download, hold down the Command key on Mac or the CTRL key on Windows as you click each of the assets you'd like to download. Once you've selected all of your desired assets, navigate to the floating white menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, and select "Download" under the "Actions" dropdown. Your assets will be compressed into a ZIP file, then will begin downloading to your computer.