When training a custom voice in the Generative Audio tool for use with Text to Speech or Lip Sync, you will be walked through a voice verification process before the training can initiate. To begin the training, you'll need to read a brief script in the Runway web app that confirms and grants consent for your voice to be used as a training input.
Can I turn anyone's voice into a custom voice?
At present, you must have explicit consent to use someone's voice as an input for a custom voice training. Runway utilizes integrated security measures to make sure all input voices (whether your own or someone else's) are being submitted for training willingly and with permission. We do not permit unwanted replicas of any individual's voice — including attempts to use speech samples pulled or recorded from public figures, private figures, sound clip downloads, or any other non-consenting means — and the voice verification step ensures that you have obtained proper permission to use the input voice you wish to train.
If you can obtain verbal in-app consent from your input subject by having them record the associated voice verification task in the Runway web app, you can use the input to train a custom voice. There are currently no exceptions made to this practice.
Why does my custom voice continue to fail the verification step?
Please make sure you're reading the provided script exactly as shown, are in a quiet room, have minimized any background noise, and have provided your web browser with microphone access. The voice reading the consent must be the same as the one reading the script.
If it continues to fail, try these troubleshooting steps:
- Are your voice sample and consent both spoken by you on the same microphone and with similar background noise conditions?
- Are you using the same tone of voice and pacing in both the voice sample and consent recording?
- Is your microphone low-quality, such as a built-in laptop microphone or an embedded piece in wired earbuds?
- Are you reading the entire consent script, including the full paragraph and the numbers at the end?